WTS Energy and GIZ Kenya Set to Open Training Center in Kenya

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WTS Energy and GIZ Kenya Set to Open Training Center in Kenya

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With 70% of total installed capacity being renewable in Kenya, there is plenty of room to dream (and plan) big about job creations in the sector. Especially, when it comes to making these opportunities more accessible to the country’s younger generations.

WTS Energy is pleased to announce that together with GIZ Kenya (GIZ Kenya) – Employment and skills for development in Africa (#E4D) have partnered to establish a landmark program to provide skills to young generations in technical training in renewable energy, crucial for future challenges in energy self-sufficiency and renewable transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa. More importantly, the overall goal of joining forces is to align investment in renewable energy infrastructure to generate job opportunities to the young Kenyans.

Filling an important gap.

In addition to promoting renewable energy demand-oriented skills, the project will contribute towards developing a renewable energy talent pool to address the skills shortage experienced in global recruitment by business partners and other stakeholders in the renewable energy space. This collaboration adds another action line to the energy transition strategy for WTS Energy: Human capital development for the energy transition in Kenya (and East Africa). Facilitating the dynamics of state-of-the-art technology and international talent adapting to different local contexts.

Together in the Energy Transition journey

Our vision is that Kenya leapfrogs to a complete Renewable Energy transformation, avoiding the model of development of countries of the global north that still transgresses the planetary boundaries. It is not the first time that Kenyan population have leapfrogged, mobile money banking services were adopted quicker than in any country in the world, shortly after having the lowest usage of mobile phone technology. We firmly believe that this is inevitable for the mainstream adoption of reliable Renewable Energy stimulating local economy.

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