Upscaling your workforce through certified training.

Education and training is a key solution for staff shortages

As a recruitment company, we take it seriously when our clients brought up the complex technical knowledge needed by talent as an issue. As a result, we established our Training Services. 

Why does your company need training?

The energy industry is highly specialized and requires individuals with a deep understanding of complex technical concepts, safety protocols, and environmental regulations. Without proper training, workers may lack the necessary knowledge and skills to operate safely and efficiently, which can lead to accidents, equipment damage, and environmental disasters.  

1. The energy industry is highly specialized

and requires individuals with a deep understanding of complex technical concepts, safety protocols, and environmental regulations. Without proper training, workers may lack the necessary knowledge and skills to operate safely and efficiently, which can lead to accidents, equipment damage, and environmental disasters. 

2. The energy industry is constantly evolving

as new technologies and regulations are introduced. Keeping up with these changes requires ongoing training and development to ensure that workers remain competent and up to date with the latest best practices and standards.

3. Training in the energy industry is essential for promoting a strong safety culture.

Safety is a top priority in the energy industry, and workers must be equipped with the knowledge and skills to identify and mitigate potential hazards. Regular training on safety protocols, emergency response procedures, and risk management strategies can help instill a safety-focused mindset among workers, reducing the likelihood of accidents and injuries. WTS Energy offers trainings in Health, Safety and Environment in our training centers. These courses are given by industry experts and follow exigent curricula.  

4. The energy industry is highly regulated

and compliance with local and national regulations is essential to avoiding legal liabilities and financial penalties, WTS Energy, with operations in 50 countries, counts with local expertise for local compliance. Proper training can help workers understand the regulatory landscape and ensure that they are following all necessary protocols and procedures. At our training center, we offer training for certifications such as NEBOSH, ISO, IWO, etc. 


We currently count with two physical training centers in Africa.

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