Are Deserts the Next Solar Energy Haven?

Did you know that over 82% of the Sahara’s desert daylight hours are illuminated by the sun? Or that the Atacama desert in Chile is generally considered the sunniest place on earth? A seemingly logical question follows after observing these facts; Are deserts not the ideal place in which to build vast solar installations? What […]
Exploring the 4 Key Types of Renewable Energy Storages

The world is at a turning point where it must switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources in order to tackle climate change. Because they are clean, plentiful, and sustainable, renewable energy sources like wind and solar energy are gaining popularity. Yet, one of the primary issues with renewable energy is the intermittent nature […]
Energy Transition: How Executives and Investors Embrace it
The energy sector is on the brink of a multidecade transformation with the Energy Transition in sight. While that alone makes it worth your while to follow along closely, this shift is also noteworthy as it’s taking place in an era where the world has become increasingly connected — both socially and economically. The changes […]
2020’s Oil Industry: A Brief Recap

A couple months into 2020, planes stopped flying, roads cleared out and Zoom took over the world, what did this mean for the oil industry? The global demand for oil barrels -which had amounted to 100 million per day the year before-, dropped to 29 million a day in 2020. A lot of major industry […]