From learner to mentor: a talk with Spark’s first co-hort graduate, Matilda Ogutu

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From learner to mentor: a talk with Spark’s first co-hort graduate, Matilda Ogutu

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Today we met Matilda at the Spark Hub in Kenya to hear about her transformative experience from graduate to training center administrator, and the impact our program has had on her remarkable career.

About Spark Energy Hub

Spark Energy Hub is a platform that provides specialized and demand-oriented training programs, ensuring that participants are equipped with the skills necessary to excel in their respective fields. Spark Energy Hub has been established by WTS Energy in partnership with GIZ Kenya and the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA)

Q1: Hi Matilda, could you please tell us a bit about yourself and your background?

I am Matilda, I graduated in Renewable Energy Technology from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology. Then, I achieved the Solar PV Technician License-T2 at the Spark Energy Hub. I am passionate about science, technology, engineering, and math. I love learning new things that can help make the world a better place. My career is driven by a strong passion for clean energy. I’ve gained practical experience in power generation through use of renewable energy systems, focusing on solar, wind, and geothermal through internships and projects. I’m enthusiastic about applying my knowledge to contribute to the energy sector.

Q2: What motivated you to choose the training program at the Spark Energy Hub?

The comprehensive curriculum and focus on practical, hands-on approach provided by the Spark Energy Hub’s solar installation training program caught my attention. My longstanding interest in solar energy naturally made this opportunity a perfect fit for expanding my expertise in the field.

Q3: How was your experience at the Spark Energy Hub? How did becoming a graduate from the program contribute to your professional development?

My time at the Spark Energy Hub was truly transformative. The training program not only provided me with theoretical knowledge but also equipped me with practical skills. I had the opportunity to engage in hands-on practical and simulations led by experienced trainers, including professionals from WTS Energy and NITA. This allowed me to apply theoretical concepts in real-world scenarios, which was incredibly valuable. Thanks to this program, I was able to significantly contribute to my professional development. I acquired an EPRA T2 license after graduating.

Matilda Ogutu

Training Center Coordinator
at WTS Energy

I had the opportunity to engage in hands-on practical and simulations led by experienced trainers, including professionals from WTS Energy and NITA. Thanks to this program, I was able to significantly contribute to my professional development and acquired an EPRA T2 license after graduating.

Q4: How did the process of becoming Training Center Administrator look like? How do you see the skills acquired at the Spark Energy Hub shaping your future endeavors?

Becoming a Training Center Administrator at the Spark Energy Hub was a natural progression for me. After completing the training program, I gained in-depth knowledge of the curriculum, teaching methodologies, and administrative processes. My strong foundation in both technical and practical aspects of the energy sector, acquired at the Hub, played a crucial role in securing this role. The skills I developed, including effective communication, project management, and leadership, will undoubtedly shape my future. Especially, as I continue to contribute to the growth and success of the training center.

Q5: How can prospective students make the most of their time at the Hub to ensure a successful career outcome?

As a graduate, I can say that prospective students can maximize their time at the Hub by actively engaging in all aspects of the program. This includes fully participating in practical exercises, seeking mentorship from experienced professionals, and networking with fellow students. Taking advantage of internship opportunities and staying updated on industry trends are also essential. Moreover, maintaining a proactive approach, asking questions. Do not forget to continuously seek to expand one’s knowledge will contribute to a successful career outcome.

Q6: What are your future career goals, and how do you plan to continue your professional development?

My future career goals involve playing a key role in the implementation and advancement of sustainable energy solutions. I aspire to contribute to projects that address the global energy challenges. To achieve these goals, I plan to stay updated on emerging technologies. Also, pursue advanced certifications, and actively participate in industry conferences and workshops. Networking with professionals in the field and seeking mentorship will also be crucial in shaping my career trajectory. Ultimately, I am committed to continuous learning and growth to make a meaningful impact in the energy sector.

Our sincere thanks to Matilda Ogutu, the training center administrator and the first co-hort graduate at the Spark Energy Hub.

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