
  • Nigeria
  • City

  • Port Harcourt
  • Industry

  • Oil & Gas
  • Job Type

  • Onsite
  • Posting date

  • mars 5, 2024
  • Job application is closed.


Helen Nnebuife Ukandu

  • Contract
  • Nigeria
  • Competitive NGN / Heure
  • Les candidatures sont actuellement fermées.

Site WTS Energy

Second Engineer

mars 5, 2024

Job Description


The role of the Second Engineer is to assist the Chief Engineer in the safe and efficient management of the Engine Department.

In the event of the Chief Engineer becoming incapacitated, the Second Engineer is to assume the role of the Chief Engineer.


  • Valid CoC Chief Engineer, issued by a recognized administration.
  • Documented minimum 24 months practical experience as Second Engineer.
  • Experience working on a Jack up Barge.
  • Documented good all-round competence relating to the platform’s different systems with particular emphasis on all technical systems.
  • Management experience and competence required.
  • Fluent written/oral English language.



  • The primary function of the Second Engineer is to supervise the daily operations and maintenance of all machinery including the ballast system, plant and fire-fighting equipment on-board.
  • The Second Engineer’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the execution of the planned maintenance, supervision of repairs and advising Chief Engineer on ordering of spares and consumables.
  • The Second Engineer is responsible for the planning and organisation of the Engine room crew.
  • During their watch, they are responsible for the safety and integrity of the Engine department and that relevant procedures are followed. They are to ensure that all work in the engine department is carried out in a safe and efficient manner. Requests from the Deck Officer on watch to carry out trim changes and routine tank level adjustments should be considered benevolently and executed if the Deck Officer is occupied with other important duties. Orders to operate the ballast system and to log movements in the ballast log shall be given by the Deck Officer on watch and under their responsibility for the stability of the vessel.


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